Saturday, May 06, 2006


Ajaran sesat bhwa manusia dilahirkan kembali diberikan iman percaya dan menjadi Kristen adalah ajaran sesat Calvinis-Dort yang membacakan pikiran sesat manusia ke dalam Alkitab. Alasannya demi kemuliaan Allah. Kemuliaan Allah itu ketaatan kepada Allah tanpa menambahi bukan menmbahi pikiran sesat kedalam Firman.

Ini ciri ajaran SAAT Malang dibawah Daniel Lucas Lukito murid Stephen Tong dari STTRI Jakarta. Sama2 aliran hyper Calvinisme. Mengangkat kata2 manusia dari tulisan Calvin-Dort, dan tulisan2 Sproul seakan Firman Allah. Firman Allah dijadikan pendukung dan hamba ajaran2 Calvin-Dort dan Sproul cs. SAAT Malang sekedar fotocopy ajaran Stephen Tong.

Daniel Lucas Lukito adalah fotocopy Stephen Tong, karena dibesarkan Stephen Tong dan diberikan tongkat jadi rektor SAAT Malang.

Kutipan berikut contoh tulisan para hyper-calvisists

Rebirth or regeneration is monergistic, not synergistic. It is done by God and by God alone. A dead man cannot cooperate with his resurrection. Lazarus did not cooperate in his resurrection. Regeneration is a sovereign act of God in which man plays no role. After God brings us to life, of course, we certainly are involved in "cooperating" with Him. We are to believe, trust, obey, and work for him. But unless God acts first, we will never be reborn in the first place. We must also realize it is not as if dead people have faith, and because of their faith God agrees to regenerate them. Rather, it is because God has regenerated us and given us new life that we have faith.

R.C. Sproul, Tabletalk, 1989.


Blogger common sense said...

hyper calvinism memang sesat

2:51 AM  

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