Monday, August 06, 2012


John Calvin mengajari ajaran sinting yang reformed injili sebut sbg. Temporary Faith: Tuhan beri iman palsu, rahmat palsu, pengudusan palsu dan akhirnya orang2 tertentu BINASA KARENA DIPREDESTINASI MASUK NERAKA.

Walaupun orang2 itu mengaku percaya Yesus dan bertumbuh iman dan pelayanan semua itu adalah temporary faith/fake faith.

Si Calvin berkata:

"...experience shows that the reprobate are sometimes affected in a way similar to the elect, that even in their own judgement there is no difference between them... Not that they truly perceive the power of spiritual grace and the sure light of faith; but the Lord the better to convict them, and leave them without excuse, instills into their minds such a sense of his goodness as can be felt without the Spirit of adoption.

"Still it is correctly said, that the reprobate believe God to be propitious to them, inasmuch as they accept the gift of reconciliation, though confusedly and without due discernment... Nor do I even deny that God illumines their minds to this extent, that they recognize his grace; but that conviction he distinguishes from the peculiar testimony which he gives his elect in this respect, that the reprobate never obtain to the full result or to fruition. When he shows himself propitious to them, it is not as if he had truly rescued them from death, and taken them under his protection. he only gives them a manifestation of his present mercy. In the elect alone he implants the living roots of faith, so that they persevere even unto the end” (Institutes III.ii.11-12).

"I know that to attribute faith to the reprobate seems hard to some, when Paul declares it (faith) to be the result of election. This difficulty is easily solved. For...experience shows that the reprobate are sometimes affected by almost the same feeling as the elect, so that even in their own judgement they do not in any way differ from the elect" (Institutes III.ii.11).

"There is nothing to prevent His giving some a slight knowledge of his gospel, and imbuing others thoroughly... the light which glimmers in the reprobate is afterward quenched..." (Institutes III, ii, 11-12).

Calvin bilang bahwa Tuhan menerangi sebagian orand dengan kasih  karunia yang pada akhirnya ternyata palsu/nipu; "enlightening some with a present sense of grace, which afterwards proves evanescent." (Institutes, III:ii, 11)

Lo nanya Stephen Tong dan jajaran dosennya di STTRI dan SAAT Malang: “untuk apa percaya Yesus kalau saya bukan orang pilihan?” Percaya juga nanti terbukti kosong? Untuk apa melayani dan berkorban bagi Kristus kalau tidak bisa tahu apakah Kristus melayani dan mati bagiku?

Tanya dia orang yang selalu berkata Yes but No! Ato sering menjawab: Yes & No! Nanya ayat ini.

Pasti juga jawabnya Yes & No!

“Most assuredly I say to you, he who believes in Me has eternal life” (John 6:47).

Pasti juga ikuti apa sabda calvin melawan sabda Yesus!

Mereka akan jawab: Betul ayat itu TETAPI ...............

Benar itu ayat. Tetapi ............


Blogger Unknown said...

hahaha, kalo baca semua tulisan2 blog ini: reformed injili dikomentarin, karismatik juga. Semuanya aja deh.

ketauan nih penulis blognya jangan-jangan Saksi Yehova atau Mormon nih.

Ato engga dia bukan orang kristen tapi cuma pengen ngadu domba aja supaya kita2 saling ribut.

Pesan saya untuk penulis blog:
Dulu Paulus juga benci orang kristen n bunuh2in mrk, tapi akhirnya dia dipakai Tuhan luar biasa.
Semoga melalui semua hujatanmu menjadi suatu jalan dimana pada satu titik Roh Kebenaran menyadarkanmu, lalu kamu bertobat.Dan kamu menjadi seorang Penginjil Reformed Injili yang besar di zaman ini.
Tapi di atas segalanya biarlah kehendak Tuhan yang jadi.

12:52 PM  

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